Channel: Latest Questions by hardmode2236
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(java script) how to make mouse invisible.

iv noticed alot of games make the mouse go invisible and stick to the middle of the screen (no matter where you move it). Is it possible to do this in unity?

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calling function with yield, from update

i have a situation where i'm calling a function with "yield waitForSeconds" in it, and i'm calling it from update. will it just constantly be pestering the function opening a huge mess of copies of...

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javascript xor

if there an xor symbol? i have an if statement right now like: if(someBool || someBool2) but it would work better if i could do: if(someBool "xor" someBool2)

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Time.timeScale and Time.fixedDeltaTime

I'm making a quick menu for my game, when it pops up the game time slows down to 10% normal speed while you do your quick menu stuff. then time speeds back up to 100% when you let off the button. but...

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access the animation array in an animation component.

in the inspector of my animation component, i have an big array full of animations. but i don't see a way in the scripting reference to access them. but i need to check them for their length when they...

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automatically imported classes

iv made a couple class files and they seem to be imported automatically into my other scripts. why is this?

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does disabled code affect performance

if you have some portions of code disabled say like you have a game with mobile platform controls, as well as computer controls. then when you play it on the computer, do the disabled mobile controls...

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where do i save premade objects?

in my rpg i need to use my armor class to construct a premade piece of armor. like how in the elder scrolls series they have premade armor sets(iron, steel, ebony, etc) my question is: where do i save...

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.Add not a function of my array.

i have this array of my "Buff" class (or at least i thought it was.) var buffs: Buff[]; then later when i try to add a buff to the array: buffs.Add(newBuff); and it says .Add is not a member of...

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javascript, default object comparator

i have a simple buff class and a generic list full of buffs. and i need to sort them but the [reference for the list's sort function][1] says: "Sorts the elements in the entire List using the default...

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Emit Random Particles?

I have a particle system that doesn't emit anything, i only use it's emit() function at specific times to get bursts of particles. Is there any way to have it choose randomly between two different...

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y and z rotation axis doing the same thing when x is 270 degrees

this has got to be the most annoying thing ever.... when the x axis rotates towards perpendicular with 0 degrees, the y and z axis become more and more similar until they do the same exact rotation...

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raycast not detecting my mesh from blender

long story short, i imported a multipart mesh as a .blend file, i gave all its parts a rigidbody, mesh collider(convex), and a fixed joint to connect them all together. each individual peice is set to...

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particle system stops normal emissions after .emit() is called

i have a particle system with an emission rate set to 3, its works up until i call its emit function with 25 particles. then it just stops, and nothing will turn its normal 3 emission back on except...

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trouble getting all children into an array.

I'm trying to get all the children of an object into a Transform[] variable like so: #pragma strict var tiles:Transform[]; function Start () { tiles = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren(Transform) as...

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moving a transform by 10 but it goes exra...

this has me totaly stumped. im telling my camera to move down 10 like so: function initCam() { cam.transform.position.y = -10; } and for some reason when i test the app it goes from 0(its starting Y...

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health bar position formula

I need a formula to position my health bar object as it scales down. i got close but i just couldn't get it right. i scale it down like so: transform.localScale.x = (maxSize*HP)/maxHP; Then on my next...

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cannot access RectTransform variables from a script

how do i manipulate a RectTransform's variables from a script? variables like the height, right padding, left padding. when i try to change its height i just get an error saying height isn't a member...

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particle array null refrence

I'm just messing around trying to add some external effects to my particles(particle attraction in this case). but it seems my particle array isn't being filled, or something is going wrong when i try...

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moving a disabled particle system that's set to distance emission

no matter how hard i disable this particle system it still emits particles in a line when i move its transform. heres my code: function load() { boltParticles.emissionRate=0; // try to stop it from...

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